“Nikki Arnold’s book, PositiviThink™, gives great information for those looking to believe in their dreams and succeed in reaching them! If you’re seeking a book on personal growth that will propel you to YOUR next level, THIS is the book to read!”

“So many people fail to reach their full potential. PositiviThink™ is what they need!”

“Nikki Arnold cuts straight to the chase on how to get that ‘dream life’. Her book gives that inspiring push to that paradigm shift of PositiviThink™.“

“When Nikki Arnold talks about BHAGs – Big Hairy Audacious Goals! – I break out into a smile. Whenever I’m faced with a frightening situation (or opportunity,) I tell myself, “Go bigger!” by imagining an even bigger goal. Nikki’s book is filled with little gems like this that you can carry with you and take out whenever you need to remember who you really are.”

“A must-read for anyone who’s struggling to deal with limitations, inner conflict or a sense of powerlessness.”

“PositiviThink™ is a powerful principle to live by, yet written in very practical and relatable terms. Indeed, it’s all about turning something ordinary into extraordinary.”
“Nikki is inspiring, always has a positive mind-set and is a wonderful example of positive thinking in action on a daily basis.
Nikki certainly has a ‘glass is half-full’ view on life and her sense of humour/laugh is infectious. I have observed her strong values and work ethic and also her absolute love of life. She has created an amazing life for herself and her family, and there doesn’t seem to be any stopping her!
Nikki has found her passion in life and really seems to be ‘on purpose’.
Nikki is open, honest, easily relatable and more than willing to share her experiences/wisdom in order to assist and coach others given her passion for personal development.

“PositiviThink™ shows you how to replace a ‘suffering state’ with a ‘flourishing state’ with practical wisdom that will encourage, uplift, and recharge the spirit of all readers. An inspiring book to read!”

“This book is truly uplifting! If you are ready to seize a life filled with purpose, passion and fulfillment, then PositiviThink™ is for you!”

“Nikki Arnold shares practical and powerful wisdom to assist others in overcoming challenges, in an easy-to-read style with humour and a personal touch! This book will usher you into a very enjoyable, rewarding and fulfilling life.”

“PositiviThink™ is not just about positive thinking. It’s about overcoming your struggles and learning how to live your best life. You’ll be shown how to steer away from negative self-talk and have the courage and confidence to go after what you want in life to truly create a life by design. A must-read if you want to quickly and permanently transform your life to live with passion, purpose and reward.”

“Nikki’s passion to help others motivated her to write this book, an invaluable resource that will inspire and provide real-life practical steps for anyone who wants to achieve amazing personal results and pursue their greatest goals.”

“Very informative, easy to read and extremely helpful. This book is a gold mine packed with useful tools, tips and strategies to help people live their best life possible. I’m recommending this book to everyone who truly wants to learn how to flourish and live an amazing, fulfilling life.”